Tamarind Falls Mauritius

For the adventure lovers out there who want to feel the adrenalin rush during their vacations, you need to go Canoeing at Tamarind Falls, located in Southwest Mauritius.

The Tamarind Falls also known as the the 7 cascades, are exceptionally beautiful and breath-taking. They are a series of seven cataracts located on the Rivière Tamarin, two kilometers northwest of the large lake Mare aux Vacoas.

The Tamarind falls have amazing deep ponds where you can jump in as well in the crystal clear blue waters to make your experience unforgettable.

Don’t miss going to see Le Morne which is equally scenic.

Best time to visit: Summers are the best time for canoeing, so if you plan to indulge in this sport then better visit Mauritius between July and September.


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